Sunday, July 23, 2017

Royal Roads Homecoming 8 - 10 September, 2017

This is the homecoming being organized by Royal Roads University.

There is nothing planned by the Class.

However, if you plan on going I can post your name here so others can see who will be attending.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Ottawa RMC Branch Golf Tournament 7 July, 2017

Another outstanding Ottawa Branch Golf Tournament this past Friday with over 140 participants. The Class of ’69 was out in force once again with a contingent of 14 golfers making up some ten percent of the field. 

7761 Mike J, 8031 Tom E, 7982 Lea V, 8060 Harry M, 8019 John C, 7763 Chris H, 8023 Dave C, 8026 Mel D, 8171 Don P, 7783 Pete M, 7855 Paul H, 8033 Brian F and 7928 Cajo B. MIA when photo taken: 8145 Ken L.